Please note that we cannot cancel your order if it has already been packed or shipped. If cancellation is not possible, we remind you that you can always return your order by following the return instructions on our Returns section.
To request the cancellation of your order, contact us as soon as possible and specify the number of your order, so that our team can process your request correctly.
Please note that we cannot request the transport agency to return the shipment once it is on its way. Furthermore, if you refuse the parcel and the order is returned to our warehouse, we want to inform you that any shipment not received or refused by the recipient will entail return shipping costs and possible formalities such as local taxes or custom fees. The customer is responsible for those costs generated and they will be deducted from the amount of the refund.
All rejected orders from mainland Spain and Balearic Islands will have a fixed cost of 5€ (VAT included) for the procedures arising from the refusal of the parcel, which will be deducted from the amount of the refund.